Chowdhury, A.F.M.K., Wessel, J., Ou, Y., Wild, T.B., Cui. R., Iyer, G., & Lamontagne, J. (2024). Power grid level implications of deep-decarbonization: case studies from China and South America by using a coupled IAM-PSM framework. Seventeenth Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) Annual Meeting, Seoul, South Korea and Online, November 2024.

Wessel, J., Chowdhury, A.F.M.K., Lamontagne, J.R., Wild, T.B., & Kanyako, F. (2024). Regional coordination can alleviate cost burden of low-carbon electricity system. 2024 Macro-Energy Systems Workshop, Princton, NJ, June 2024 (Download).


Yarlagadda, B., Zhao, X., Iyer, G., Wild, T., Hultman, N., and Weber, M. (2023). Environmental and economic implications of deforestation-linked oil crop import bans. Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, Venice, Italy, November, 2023.

Wessel, J., Lamontagne, J.R., Iyer, G., Wild, T.B., Ou, Y., and McJeon, H. (2023). Large ensemble exploration of energy transitions under national emissions pledges. Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, Venice, Italy, November, 2023.

Wessel, J., Lamontagne, J.R., Iyer, G., Wild, T.B., Ou, Y., and McJeon, H. (2023). Large ensemble exploration of energy transitions under national emissions pledges. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty, Online, November 2023.

Wessel, J., Lamontagne, J.R., Iyer, G., Wild, T.B., Ou, Y., and McJeon, H. (2023). Large ensemble exploratory analysis of NDC-driven energy transitions. Multisector Dynamics Workshop, Davis, California, USA, October 2023.

Yarlagadda, B., Zhao, X., Iyer, G., Wild, T., Hultman, N., and Weber, M. (2023). Multi-sectoral impacts of import bans on deforestation-linked oil crops. Multisector Dynamics Workshop, Davis, California, USA, October 2023.

Yarlagadda, B., Zhao, X., Wild, T., Iyer, G., and Weber M. (2023). Bilateral trade of deforestation-linked oil crops in GCAM. GCAM Community Modeling Meeting 2023, Online, June 2023.

Wessel, J., Lamontagne, J.R., Iyer, G., Wild, T.B., Ou, Y., and McJeon, H. (2023). Large ensemble scenario discovery exploration of NDC-driven global energy system uncertainties to inform climate policy in Latin America. GCAM Community Modeling Meeting 2023, Online, June 2023.

Wessel, J., Lamontagne, J.R., Iyer, G., and Wild, T.B. (2023). Scenario discovery with an integrated assessment model to identify robust, policy-relevant scenarios for capacity expansion in Latin America. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, Apr 2023, EGU23-10472, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10472.


Wild, T.B., Chowdhury, A.K., Wessel, J., Lamontagne, J., Kanyako, F. (2022). Exploring sustainable energy pathways for a South American sub-region. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago & Online, December 2022 (Download).

Birnbaum, A. N., Lamontagne, J.R., Wild, T. B., Dolan, F., Yarlagadda, B. (2022). Drivers of Future Physical Water Scarcity and its Economic Impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean. Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, Washington DC, November 2022.

Yarlagadda, B., Wild, T.B., Clarke, L., Zhao, X., Khan, Z., Birnbaum, A. (2022). Opportunities and challenges for Latin America’s integrated agricultural systems: impacts of global trade integration and climate policy. American Geophysical Union Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting, San Juan, PR, USA, June 2022.

Birnbaum, A.N., Lamontagne, J.R., Wild, T.B., Dolan, F., Yarlagadda, B. (2022). Drivers of Physical and Economic Water Scarcity in Latin America and the Caribbean. American Geophysical Union Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting, San Juan, PR, USA, June 2022.

Yarlagadda, B., Wild, T.B., Clarke, L., Zhao, X., Khan, Z., Birnbaum, A. (2022). Opportunities and challenges for Latin America’s integrated agricultural systems: impacts of global trade integration and climate policy. Scenarios Forum, 2022, Vienna, Austria, June 2022.

Ojeda-Matos, G. & White, D.D. (2022). Improving governance responses by reframing cross-sectoral interactions for sustainability: The case of the Rio Negro Basin in Uruguay. International Association for Society and Natural Resources 2022. San Jose, Costa Rica, June 2022.

Zhao, M., Wild, T.B., Yarlagadda, B., Clarke, L., Iyer, G. (2022). Exploring Uncertainty Surrounding Deep Decarbonization Pathways: Application to Colombia. European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online, May 2022.

Zhao, M., Wild, T.B., Khan, Z., Yarlagadda, B., Clarke, L., Hejazi, M.I., Miralles-Wilhem, F., Vernon, C.R. (2022). The Implications of Global Change for the Co-Evolution of Argentina’s Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems. INFEWS PI Workshop 2022, Online, February 2022.

Ojeda-Matos, G., White, D.D., Roque, A.D. (2022). Using media framing to explore the food-energy-water nexus: the Case of the Rio Negro Basin in Uruguay. INFEWS PI Workshop 2022, Online, February 2022.

Yarlagadda, B., Wild, T.B., Clarke, L., Zhao, X., Khan, Z. Birnbaum, A. (2022). Opportunities and challenges for Latin America’s integrated agricultural systems: impacts of global trade integration and climate policy. INFEWS PI Workshop 2022, Online, February 2022.

Birnbaum, A., Lamontagne, J., Wild, T.B., Dolan, F., Yarlagadda, B. (2022). Identifying Drivers of Future Water Scarcity in Latin America and the Caribbean Using a Scenario Discovery Approach. INFEWS PI Workshop 2022, Online, February 2022.


Moghaddasi, A., Wild, T.B., Cui, R. (2021). Toward Better Understanding of Climate Impacts on Global Water Withdrawals. Oral presentation at the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium’s 14th Annual Meeting, virtual conference, November 2021 (Download).

Yarlagadda, B., Zhao, X., Birnbaum, A.N., Wild, T.B. (2021). Implications of Global Agricultural Trade Uncertainty for Latin America’s Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems. Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA & Online Everywhere, December 2021 (Download).

Wild, T.B., Yarlagadda, B., Clarke, L., Zhao, M., Iyer, G. (2021) . Discovering Robust Deep Decarbonization Pathways in Colombia. Poster at the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA & Online Everywhere, December 2021.

Zhao, M., Wild, T.B., Khan, Z., Yarlagadda, B., Clarke, L., Hejazi, M., Miralles-Wilhelm, F., Vernon, C.R. (2021). The Implications of Global Change for the Co-Evolution of Argentina’s Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems. Poster at the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA & Online Everywhere, December 2021 (Download).

Birnbaum, A.N., Lamontagne, J., Wild, T.B., Dolan, F., Yarlagadda, B. (2021). Identifying Drivers of Future Water Scarcity in Latin America and the Caribbean Using a Scenario Discovery Approach. Poster at the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA & Online Everywhere, December 2021 (Download).

Wild, T.B., Yarlagadda, B., Clarke, L., Zhao, M., Iyer, G. (2021) . Discovering Robust Deep Decarbonization Pathways in Colombia. Oral presentation at the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, Online, November 2021.

Zhao, M., Wild, T.B., Khan, Z., Yarlagadda, B., Clarke, L., Hejazi, M., Miralles-Wilhelm, F., Vernon, C.R. (2021). The Implications of Global Change for the Co-Evolution of Argentina’s Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems. Oral presentation at the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, Online, November 2021.


Khan, Z., Wild, T.B., Iyer, G., Vernon, C.R., Hejazi, M. (2020). The Evolution of Energy-Water-Agriculture Inter-Connectivity Across Scales in the US. Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union, Online Everywhere, December 2020.


Wild, T.B., Khan, Z., Clarke, L., Hejazi, M., Miralles-Wilhelm, F., Munoz-Castillo, R., Bereslawski, J., Casado, J., Gavino Novillo, M., Miller, A., Moreda, F., Roberts, P., Suriano, M., Vernon, C. (2019). Invited. From Sub-Regional to Global: Fusing Together Data Sets Across Scales and Sectors to Inform Integrated Regional Food-Energy-Water Planning. Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.

Wild, T.B., Khan, Z., Clarke, L., Hejazi, M., Miralles-Wilhelm, F., Munoz-Castillo, R., Bereslawski, J., Casado, J., Gavino Novillo, M., Miller, A., Moreda, F., Roberts, P., Suriano, M., Vernon, C., Melo, S., Romero, G., Delgado, R., Arguello, R., Gaudioso, R., Mascari, P., Carrazzone, M.E., Weinstein, F., Bianchi, F., Perez, F. (2019). Integrated, Stakeholder-Driven, Regional Energy-Water-Land Planning in Latin America. Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.